The Importance of Pool Safety in Brisbane for Foster Families
Importance of Pool Safety
This article covers the importance of Pool Safety. From the 1st December 2010, all swimming pools on regulated land in Queensland are required, at the time of sale or lease of their property, to have a pool safety inspection conducted by licensed pool safety inspector. Furthermore, the owners must be issued with a pool safety certificate stating that the pool complies with the new pool safety laws and standards. Currently there are approximately 330,000 swimming pools located in the state of Queensland. As a result, the importance of pool safety is paramount.
Foster and kinship carers provide safe and caring homes for children who are unable to stay at home because of their protective needs. Foster carers are people living in the community who are able to care for other children and who, after training and assessment, have been approved as carers.

For every young child that drowns in a pool, approximately five are hospitalised due to immersion injuries, some of whom will suffer permanent brain damage. All swimming pool drownings are preventable.
Pool Safety Requirements for Foster Families in Brisbane and Queensland
From 30 November 2015 all pools and spas need to comply with Queensland’s pool safety legislation. A swimming pool is defined as an above or below ground structure principally used for swimming or bathing, including some models of portable pools and spas – that is, those pools deeper than 30cm. The legislation requires pool owners to ensure that their pool is fenced ( with detailed requirements), that fences or barriers are well maintained and that any damage to fences or barriers is fixed immediately.
Key points for prospective and current foster parents and families regarding pool safety in Brisbane and Queensland:
The applicant must:
- Be able to provide a Form 23 Pool Safety Certificate as issued by a licensed Pool Safety Inspector.
- The applicant will provide constant in-water direct supervision for children in care who are non-swimmers or where their level of swimming ability is not known.
- Will not leave children alone or in the care of an older child when in, on or near swimming pools, rivers, creeks, dams, the beach or any body of water.
- Will also supervise older children in care when in on or near water, by providing direct line of sight supervision at all times.
- The applicant will not tie back a pool gate or obstruct the latch from closing automatically.
- For premises where there are swimming pools or spas, the applicant will ensure that there are no items left nearby that the child could use to climb the fence, such as chairs, pot plants etc.
- For wading pools that do not require permanent fencing/barriers (able to hold less than 30cm of water), the applicant will empty it after use and store it in a vertical position.
Be Safe Pool Fence Inspections Pool and Spa Safety in Brisbane and Queensland

The licensed inspectors at Be Safe Pool Fence Inspections can provide you with advice on how to overcome problems if you pool is non-compliant. That’s what we are here for.
Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in Queensland for children under the age of 5 years old. For every young child that drowns in a pool, approximately five are hospitalised due to immersion injuries, some of whom will suffer permanent brain damage. All swimming pool drownings are preventable.
Be Safe Pool Fence Inspections is a privately owned and operated Pool Safety Inspection Company. We have inspected well over 3000 pool fences since the Queensland Pool Safety Legislation which came into effect in December 2010.
The team at Be Safe Pool Fence Inspections have the experienced and knowledge to provide you with the right advice and service on your pool fence. Be Safe Pool guaranties compliancy each and every time. Whether you require a pre-purchase pool fence inspection, compliance advice or a pool safety certificate to sell or lease your house.
To find out if your pool complies you will need to book a pool fence safety inspection. Our licensed inspectors at Be Safe Pool Fence Inspections can provide you with advice on how to overcome problems if you pool is non-compliant. That’s what we are here for.
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